Stephen Ritz, founder of Green Bronx Machine, at Social Innovation Summit 2013. “What is so symbolic of this picture is the real commitment of the United Nations to create platforms for individual participation on global issues. In a sense, the world is open to good ideas, passion, and great communicators.” – Jennifer Sertl
In this weekly [RE:CON]VERSATION series-within-a-series, thought leader and strategist Jennifer Sertl brings us #REFLECTIONS : a curated list of links mined from her substantive, expansive social technology practice. These resources span geographic and disciplinary bounds to identify sources of guidance and resilience that promise to be of use as we grow in our personal and community behaviors, seeking creative and professional evolution.
Today’s post is particularly exciting, as it scales for our consumption and inspiration Sertl’s experience at last week’s Social Innovation Summit, at the United Nations, where she was selected as one of three who will be dedicated to amplifying the whole experience as Social Media Ambassador. Congratulations Jenn! We are honored to support you in this journey.
See the series introduction here, and Memorial Day resources for resilience here, and SIS post here.
Last week I attended the Social Innovation Summit 2013 which took place at the United Nations. The summit connects and inspires a global network of leaders to discuss the key strategies and business innovations creating social transformation across the corporate, investment, government, and non-profit sectors.
Participants include hundreds of top Fortune 500 Corporate Executives, Venture Capitalists, Government Leaders, Foundation Heads and Social Entrepreneurs eager to discuss global challenges, analyze innovative approaches for problem-solving, and build lasting partnerships that enable them and their organizations to maximize social impact.
Here are the best of links & people from my experience:
I have decided to call Stephen Ritz of @GreenBXMachine [Green Bronx Machine] the “Sustainability Eminem” because of the lyrical nature of his voice and clear message. Anyone reading this that can get us connected to the lyrical genius please do. Meanwhile here is the TED talk that gives you only a glimpse of the pulse of pure energy .
- As you know from my personal story championing mental health is a personal cause. That is why I was delighted that Glenn Close spoke and reminded us that 2/3 of mentally ill patients do not get treatment due to shame, 1 in 4 are impacted by the illness, and the cost of not treating the illness is #190 Billion in US $2.& Trillion globally
I am a big fan of read-to-lead and was over the moon meeting John Wood @johnwoodRTR and his vision Room to Read @RoomtoRead where he is working to find the Dr. Seuss and J.K. Rowling in each developing country as he wants children to learn to read in their own language with own stories – literacy is more than the alphabet and the commitment to leverage low tech to transform the world is so powerful http://www.leavingmicrosoftbook.com/author.html
I did my senior thesis at @CUBoulder on Rousseau’s Emile and the transformative impact of the tutor – so you can imagine my delight to meet Charles Best founder of Donors Choose @donorschoose. Instead of just the Milky Way to teach astronomy, @charlesbest offers teachers the entire online galaxy pairing real time passion with real time student learning http://www.donorschoose.org/ & http://www.huffingtonpost.com/charles-best/
My whole challenge with education is that we said “no child left behind” rather than “may our children thrive. Michael Horn, co-author of Disrupting Class asked a brilliant question: Will we embrace blended individualized learning or will we replicate industrialized learning model via digital? http://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelhorn/
Willy Foote founder of Root Capital @Rootcapital taught us about supply chain resiliency http://www.forbes.com/sites/willyfoote/2013/05/24/white-cocoa-and-crawdads-supply-chain-resiliency-from-the-ground-up/
Premal Shah @premal let us know that Klout is going way beyond reputation as Kiva @kiva has new lending program based on good faith and community reputation. He called it “codified credit” and social underwriting https://zip.kiva.org/learn
8) Covering the landscape includes we get a little dirty as we learn how one nation’s trash becomes another man’s treasure as we heard from TerraCycle’s Tom Szaky @Tom_TerraCycle. A critical interview with Szaky, here.
9) Given the #3rdBillion and women in the workforce, I want to highlight Vanessa Hurst @DBNess and her platform @CodeMontage that is teaching others how to write code to make a global difference #code4humanity
10) Closing my synopsis with the announcement made by Google’s Cheng-Meng Tan who announced the collaboration with @PeaceJam to create “one billion acts of peace” making “compassion cool”

Jennifer Sertl with Google’s Cheng-Meng Tan at the UN Social Innovation Summit
Let’s do this right!
Jennifer Sertl is an internationally respected author, keynote speaker & the president and founder ofAgility3R. Agility3R is a training and development company dedicated to strengthen strategic and critical thinking skills. As a thought leader in the emerging field of corporate consciousness she uses neuroscience and existential philosophy to inspire leaders. Jennifer’s book Strategy, Leadership and the Soul, published by Triarchy Press in the UK provides an innovation model that integrates personal development and business strategy.
Most recently she was a speaker at the Asian Banker Summit in Bangkok, Thailand and at Sibos in Osaka, Japan discussing leadership, globalization and innovation.
Jennifer runs a business simulation strategy game called Interplay™ that facilitates awareness and personal accountability focused upon quantifying intangible assets and human capital.
Caring very deeply about the intersection between human values and technology, she is a strategic advisor to Washington, DC’s think tank Center for Policy and Emerging Technology (C-PET). She was also included in documentary Well-Being In the Digital Age produced by @RDigitaLIFE.
Jennifer has three children ranging in age from kindergarten to high school and is active in her community. She holds dual majors in English and philosophy from the University of Colorado at Boulder.