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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: PRINT! DOCUMENT :: EXHIBIT A :: RE/PRODUCTION and RE/PRESENTATION LAUNCHPAD BROOKLYN 721 FRANKLIN AVENUE BROOKLYN NY OPENING JUNE 14th, 2013 at 6pm Curated by Managing Editor Lynne DeSilva-Johnson with Production Assistance from Ben Wiessner, Taylor Quilty, Kevin William Reed, and Georgia Elrod exhibiting selected artists

  reconnaissance (n.) 1810, from French reconnaissance "act of surveying," literally "recognition," from Old French reconoissance (see recognizance). U.S. military abbreviation recon is attested from 1918. conversation (n.) mid-14c., "living together, having dealings with others," also "manner of conducting oneself in the world;" from Old French conversation, from Latin conversationem(nominative conversatio) "act of living

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